Sunday, October 2, 2016

2 weels 3 days

Love little Livia. We were so lucky we were able to meet up with our family and they loved meeting our new little one. We literally sat by the pool and everyone swam to there hearts content. Cousins would jump out of the pool we would cover towels and they would have baby time then jump back in.

I love my family and am greatful for their support.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

A girl we did it!

So with this pregnancy we choose to not find out what we were having. It was stressful many thought we were crazy but it was wonderful and exciting. I thought I was having a boy because choosing a boy name came so easy. We literally decided on our girls name hours before she was born.

Oh werected we excited to see her!!!! It was a glorious meeting. I remember wanting to hold her and reaching for her and the doctor saying hold on she is still connected lol.

With tears in our eyes I looked at my husband with a greatfull eyes and the happiest heart.

As soon as we saw her we were in love.

Livia Carolyn Garcia was named by her father. He is excited to have his Livian.

It was the easiest birth ever...and the hardest pregnancy.

I love my children. They take a lot of patience and love and they teach me so much.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


I was just reading my sister Vanessa's blog and ithe made me so proud of the great mom she is! It reminded me I need to record our summer adventures for 2016!

We made a trip to UT so Mason could participate in his 1st summer camp. He was nervous but how to see his face light up after when he saw me waiting for him. I was so proud! Greatful awesome sister that signed him up and took me on adventures while waiting for our kids.

My kids are obsessed with slurpee from watching hotel transylvania 2.

We took swim lessons morning and night and these fish learned so much!! 

We tried to go hiking but mom doesn't do crying so we mostly enjoy the rocase and bugs.

My birthday we went to the beach with friends! Perfect day.

Another beach day at Avila beach so.much fun to go with friends.

Mason's lemonade stands! We worked hard and he had to learn to be courageous. He did it we made $60!!! He to buy hermit crabs. Lucas brought home the cage and 1st crab after a hot day of selling. Mason was so happy he cried..epic moment so so sweet.

While dad was away for work for a week we went to bible camp! My goal was to practice for school and being away from mom. Mason rocked it Matthew had to have his routine. Matthew wanted to drop brother off upstairs then go back downstairs to his class room, kiss me on the cheek look in my eyes and tell me he would miss me.

After bible school I've been.on more bed rest with this pregnancy. The results is the boys have been practicing there Lego master skills! So greatful they are OK with being at home.

Lucas finally had a day off away from us and went to six flags!! 

I love this man I depend on his calming spirit so much. I had a Freak out pregnancy moment this month and he was ready to jump on a plane to be home if needed.

I'm so scared to do 3 kids, but he reminds me I'll do great and I'm not doing it alone.

I'm greatful for my sisters that remind me I can do it
 Being.pregant, getting pregant and staying pregnant is a lot of work! Number 3 has been very hard on my body. It makes me relieved that this is our last baby I'll give birth to. We would be happy to have more and our arms are always open anytime the God needs us. I'm relieved to let my body heal and rest.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

March update

 Made it out to wind wolves. The boys wanted to wear scarfs with me so they wore my 2 dinosaur scarfs.

Oh my little man keeps me laughing.
Had the best yw.activity made.freezer meals for the ward. A definite repeat.

Preschool easter party. Do you see how tall.mason is?

Time out for mom

Why is it that before every vacation I have to have a melt down?

Please telle me I'm not alone. 

I was excited for this trip and getting ready and just felt like everything was running empty. Time out for women was a wonderful filler.

Not going to lie favorite part was meeting this cute lady!

These friends I never get tired of talking with them and hearing there life stories and advice. They are teaching me to real and have fun more.

Oh this little man fed my baby hungryness, I've met few babies other then my sister's I love as my own and this fits heart.

Time our for women theme : one heart one faith. Makes my heart calm just thinking about it. Felt.good to be unified with other women of other faiths and families.

It was a good vacation came back fatter and happier lol.

Thank you HUBBY for watching the little men.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Life of the Garcia's

This week we finished up on a church young women fundraiser for camp.
We sold valentine's chocolate dipped pretzelso and truffles. We had the young women sell and then dip the pretzels. Me and a friend made all the truffles all 400 of them then a group of mom's got together and dipped them all. I got great boxes for them and we sold them $5a box. We hit our goal and the fundraiser didn't overwhelm me which is a huge sucess.

My body has been.funny lately depression, etc etc and I am greatful for the motivation I do have. So for Valentine's lunch we made pizza and had a picnic outside. Then I painted by numbers. We went to jump on the tramp and I practiced my ukulele. So fun. Mason asked me to play a sad song today while they where jumping. I don't know to many songs so he jumped on.

We had a night adventure today. We had the boys sit in lawn chairs in the back of the truck with flash lights while we under 5mph drove the country field roads by our house. On the slow way back we cranked up the music and had a dance party. The boys where in Heaven. I love seeing there happy dances.

Matthew is so great at giving compliments he will often tell me "mom you a good mom" often he says princess mom.

Mason will come up and snuggle with me and look up and with his handsome pure green eyes and tell me he loves me. 

I'm greatful I'm the only love in there life today. Sweet sweet boys that speak from there hearts. 

Funny story Matthew is 3 days accident free and is interested in learning about his body. He.always asks me what his scrotum is called. Silly kid.

Good night

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Temple Day

I'm so happy. I'm greatful for my beliefs and the understanding and peace that has come. A great source of peace is when I am able to attend the temple. When I am there I feel my spirit recharging and I leave calm and peaceful.

Sadly I don't take enough time daily to recharge my spirit. But I'm working on it. I'm learning the importance of making time for my mind, spirit and body.

Often my spirit is forgotten and then when I attend the temple it amazes me the difference I feel. I need to take time to rechargeable my spirit daily.

Lucas birthday this weekend. For one of his presents he wanted to go to his favorite Brazilian restaurant.

Cafe Brazil is wonderful it has outside seating so the kids can be loud, there are plants everywhere. Lucas went all out and got his favorite dish, drink and dessert. He was in heaven.